Friday, May 3, 2013

Can Anti-Aging Makeup Really Help Your Skin Stay Young?

Walking around town, how many women do you see without makeup on? Not many. Maybe even close to none. A majority of women will admit that they wouldn't be caught dead without makeup. Why is that so? It is no secret that trying to look young and beautiful is important to most women. 

Nowadays, makeup has more functions than one. You can buy makeup that promises to help you fight aging. You will find foundations, blushes and lipsticks with ingredients such as antioxidants, peptides and retinol to make you look more youthful. It is an enticing offer, isn't it? Besides adding more color to your face, why not let it also reduce your wrinkles, fine lines, treat acne and brown spots, firm up your skin and improve it's elasticity. Everybody loves a good deal. However, do these anti-aging makeup really do what they claim to do? Or is it just commercial hype? 

When it comes to choosing anti-aging makeup, there are a few things to keep in mind. First of all, it is true that youth-boosting ingredients such as retinol and peptides can reduce wrinkles. However, it is difficult to know how much of it is present in these anti-aging cosmetics. The concentration of the ingredients may not be enough to make a difference. The product's packaging does not provide this needed information. All you can do is to check the product's ingredient list and make sure the ingredients they say help to fight aging are listed towards the top. 

Another thing to keep in mind is to choose cosmetics that are creamy in nature as opposed to the powder forms. Why is this so? Certain anti-aging ingredients such as Retinol and Vitamin E are oily substances. This fact is backed by Perry Romanowski who is a cosmetic chemist. Therefore, if you buy the makeup in powder form, you can conclude that only low levels of Retinol and Vitamin E are used. 

So, is it worth it to buy anti-aging makeup? Well, it won't hurt you but there is no guarantee that it will be effective either. If you are really serious about keeping your skin youthful, then you need to focus on keeping your skin well hydrated. Hydration is the key factor and not anti-aging makeup. Some foundations claim to have moisturizing properties. However, they will not work as well as specialized moisturizer creams and lotions. So do not trade in your daily moisturizer for makeup that only has a tinge of moisturizer. You can of course use them as a supplement to your hydrating efforts. 

Besides applying a good moisturizer, you also keep your skin hydrated by drinking enough water daily. Soups, fruits, vegetables and herbal teas also contribute to your water intake. Even eating the right kinds of food can boost the hydration of your skin. Cut out the junk food. Add to your diet Omega-3 rich foods. Stay away from bad habits such as smoking, drinking caffeine and alcohol as it can dehydrate your skin. 

Don't forget that the environment can also damage your skin. Too much sun will dry out your skin. Being exposed to wind and cold does not help either. Sunscreen is necessary to protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun. You might also want to consider using a hydrating facial mask to nourish and rejuvenate the skin. You can opt to use homemade facial masks made from natural ingredients found in your kitchen. 

It is safe to conclude that the effects of anti-aging makeup is minimal. You should not use it to substitute specialized skin care products. In other words, it is highly unlikely that using anti-aging makeup alone will get rid of acne, wrinkles and fine lines. For best results, stick to skin care products that specifically deals with that skin problem. You still need acne treatments to treat acne and moisturizers to keep skin supple.

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