Friday, April 19, 2013

What is Evil?

Evil is a fixed, rigid, singular, selfish point of view that causes destruction in its ravenous greed for power. It has insoluble self-righteous pride and gives condescending, blaming, and demagogic speeches. Evil is always on the mission of blind ambition and prefers ignorance, denial, deceit, injustice, inhumanity, and insanity to admitting any mistake. 

For evil to admit failure is to acknowledge the need for a different course of action. It cannot take responsibility for mistakes or even comprehend that it is capable of making them because evil is a fixed, rigid, singular, selfish point of view that the path it is on is the path of divine destiny. Nothing of any importance or consequence exists outside of that view. The ravenous greed for power consumes it and causes destruction to everything in its influence, and ultimately to itself. 

Ironically, evil has the habit of labeling whatever disagrees with it as evil. It takes everything and spins it in a way to glorify itself and condemn everything else regardless of data, facts, and observable truth. All resources are exploited and squandered wastefully for careless evil purposes. Freedom is taken away and open exchange of knowledge and ideas are censored. Religion is misused to exalt the ego and create divisiveness rather than universal love, unity, and oneness. 

Evil does without thinking. It was brought up and taught a certain way and is certain of the infallibility of the world view it is attached to, and any kind of change including change for the better, is feared and viciously fought against. Free expression outside of restrictive smothering guidelines become punishable by death. Differences are labeled as deviance to encourage hatred and intolerance. Evil explains its irrationality by using words such as purity, morality, safety, protection, and one of the favorite expressions of evil is "good vs. evil!" Evil is the blind leading the blind, leading to the downfall of all. 

Evil lies, spies, tortures, kills, causes ills, racks up bills, revokes rights, vetoes solutions, ignores pollution, and delights in an individual's independence dissolution. Imperial monopoly of power and total control is evil's misguided and misguiding goal which despite all the propaganda to the contrary, actually leads us into a devastatingly destructive black hole. 

Evil tries to hide itself behind a mask of personality. Evil pretends to be friendly, caring, and good. Evil often pretends to be the ultimate good. It may actually believe that it is. But be wary if someone espouses the best intentions with the worst means. If evil can get away with being outright evil, it will no longer hide. So before that happens, it is up to us to decipher and discern evil because the longer we let it pull the wool over our eyes, the longer it will take to recover. 

With all that said, evil is not absolute and neither is ignorance. Overall propensity is toward learning and good. They both go hand in hand. We all experience what we experience and those are our lessons in this staged drama of life. We are changed, realize change is possible, and thus work to bring about more change for the better. Everything happens for a reason, and that reason is our growth. A caterpillar realizes it no longer needs to crawl around and transforms into a butterfly. Everyone has his or her role to play and throughout history evil has been allowed to play a major one. Maturity of consciousness is saying, "Hey wait! We do not need to do that anymore. We are not going to put up with that anymore!" That is the sign that we will be heading in the right direction. Upward and onward!

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