Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Feed Your Body What It Really Wants and Just Say No To Junk

The human body was built to eat natural whole foods. Your meals were meant to be eaten slowly - not eaten on the run. Your body was meant to breathe in fresh air and drink in clean refreshing water. 

Unfortunately if you are eating the Standard American Diet (SAD) you are probably filling your belly with so much processed food that your body may be experiencing toxic shock. With all the garbage we are putting into our bodies it is sometimes a miracle that our bodies even function as well as they do. 

Did you hear about the movie "Super Size Me" by the film maker Morgan Spurlock? He is the guy who wanted to evaluate just exactly what the fast food industry was actually doing to our health. So for thirty days he ate three meals a day at McDonald's restaurants. The results he experienced were frightening. In just 30 days of McDonald's meals, he gained 24 pounds, began to experience heart palpitations and caused damage to his liver. All of these horrible results were due to a diet of mainly fries, burgers and soda. 

The sad thing is that the movie is not that far off from the way that people really eat on a daily basis in America. Junk food makes up a huge part of our country's diet. Even when we do not want to admit it, we still consume loads of sugars, starches, artificial ingredients, chemicals, and fats. No much really healthy stuff makes it way on to our plates. 

You may say you are eating healthier because you are eating more salads. And in fact, it is great to add salads and lots of fresh raw vegetables and fruits to your diet. However, if your salad if just slathered with high fat salad dressing, cheeses, bacon bits, croutons and other toppings then you may have been better off just eating a burger.

Americans consume a lot of processed foods that are filled with artificial ingredients used to enhance the flavor and add to the shelf life of the product so it can sit on the store shelf for a long time before a consumer finally buys it. 

Try this experiment. Take a bite of a fresh carrot or sweet crunchy apple and chew it for about 30 seconds. Notice the flavors? Can you taste the natural sweetness? Did the taste last until you swallowed it? Now try the same thing with a potato chip. After only a few seconds, the taste is not very good. The crunch is definitely gone. You may taste grease that is now coating your mouth and throat. 

Now let's get real about this. If you are honest you will find that natural foods just taste better and because they are so good for you - you may find that you will have a positive sense of well being every time you care about your body and feed it something that will energize you for the next task you need to undertake. 

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