Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Be Honest When Dating Online

As human beings, we have our own defense mechanisms to ward off bad elements, to protect ourselves from physical, mental and most of especially emotional harm. It is but not natural to be cautious. Thus, one trait common to all of us is not being honest. In this way, we can avoid having our emotions exposed and vulnerable to abuse. However, dishonesty in relationships, especially in dating, has gone out of control that there has been so many undesirable stories of heartaches, frustrations and anxieties. It is never wrong to be honest. A positive attitude often neglected and unpracticed for so many human reasons, for so many excuses. Over and over, people keep telling things and acting in ways dishonestly, and over and over, the same dishonesty brought the unwanted consequences. Yet, they never learn, keeping the same mistake. When we were kids, we learned that “honesty is the best policy” but we seldom apply this as we grow. A very basic concept we refuse to apply. Sometimes we forget that the most simple and basic things create miracles. Through times, relationships have evolved. Nowadays, many have sprung from online dating. The advancement of modern technology has made it possible for people to connect worldwide. No wonder an overwhelming number of individuals have found interest in relationships online. Like any situation, love affair or relationship, experts would advice that it is best to be honest. While dishonesty is practiced daily in life, it is most rampant in online dating. Research headed by Jeana Frost, a media researcher at Boston University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for Scientific American suggests that approximately 20 percent of online daters have admitted to deception. For instance, online profiles, on average, cut off a few pounds and add at least an inch in height. Men and women vary in areas of dishonesty. Men according to the research usually lie about income, marital status, height, age, and level of education. Women on the other hand lie on the areas of physical appearance in general age and weight. However, there have been many success stories in online dating. One smart start would be being honest. According to Patrick Moore, a Yahoo! Health expert for mental health, honesty is the key to healthy dating. He enumerated 4 basic areas of honesty; in your goals; about sex; about who you are and about your vulnerabilities. Online dating is no different. Be truthful from the start. Once dishonesty is made the foundation of dating online, it is inevitable that a whole new chain and strings of other lies will follow. Sometimes a person dating online would fall prey to his own maze. Caught in the middle of his web of lies, eventually confused of what he really wants, what he is interested in and worse, who he really is in the first place. You will realize that honesty will not only produce greater chances of success in the love and relationship department, but most importantly it will bring wonders to making a whole new better person in you.

1 comment:

  1. When we were kids, we learned that “honesty is the best policy” but we seldom apply this as we grow. Why?
