Sunday, March 24, 2013

Are You Holding the Wrong End of Your Spiritual Walking Stick?

All adult Christians go through life holding on very dearly to what turns out to be their spiritual walking sticks. 

Each individual divides his spiritual walking stick into many areas, filling each area with things that are closest to his heart, as well as things that merely hold a passing interest. 

Invariably, the things that are closest to his heart will be closest to his hand, with the dearest thing at the point where he clutches his spiritual walking stick. 

The other things of passing interest will occupy the lower end of his spiritual walking stick, with the least interesting thing at the very end. 

In today's material world, most adult Christians fill the area of their spiritual walking stick that they clutch, with lust for money and riches. 

The lower areas will be filled with lust for power, real estate, beautiful homes, latest cars, great achievements, love for the opposite sex, etc., not necessarily in that order. But, finally, at the lowest end, will be found God and things of God. 

We read in the Scriptures, that when God called Moses to be his instrument for deliverance of the Israelites from the Egyptian bondage, this great man also had his walking stick the wrong end up. 

Moses spewed out a long list of justifications to disqualify himself for the task God set before him, but when the Lord asked him to throw this stick on the ground, turned it into a snake, and asked Moses to pick it up by the tail, he got his walking stick the right side up! (Ex 4: 2 - 4) 

Moses was to use this same walking stick to perform numerous miracles to show the power of God to the Egyptian king, which finally led to the liberation of God's chosen people from the Egyptian yoke. 

He, also, used this same walking stick to show the deep love of God for the Israelites, by parting the Red Sea, providing water in the desert to quench their thirst, and even winning battles against their enemies. 

Since, the degree of each one's personal spiritual level can be judged by which area one clutches the most fondly, every adult Christian needs to throw down his spiritual walking stick and pick it up again so that God becomes that which one clutches and is closest to one's heart. 

Then, and only then, will our spiritual life be changed, and will we be ready to be used by God, for his honor and glory.

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